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Shipping Info

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Shipping & Returns

Free Shipping

  • Standard Shipping

  • 7-10 Business Days

  • Due to weight and size, some of our items require a shipping surcharge

Express Delivery

  • Shipping Total added at checkout

  • Approximately 2 Business Days (not including international sales or sales outside of the Continental U.S.)

  • Order by 1pm EST, Mon-Fri

Return Policy

At Gigi Angulo, LLC™, we want you to be pleased with your purchase. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, you may return your purchase when it is presented with established proof of purchase in saleable condition. Simply follow the guidelines below:

·        Returns are eligible for a full refund if returned within 7 days with a receipt. Returns of merchandise will not be accepted after 7 days.

·        Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns for personalized items.

·        We recognize that returns are important to our customers. To ensure a positive shopping experience for all our customers, if we identify an unreasonable return pattern, we may restrict or refuse future transactions from such customers.

·        For all returns, merchandise must be presented in saleable condition and established proof of purchase is required. Returns are only accepted back via mail at 44679 Endicott Drive Suite 300, 1018, Ashburn, VA 20147.